Dangerous Daydream

Dangerous Daydream

"Great vocals, great instrumentation, great presentation" - what more can we say? This is Dangerous Daydream.

Dangerous Daydream is Mandie Graham, vocals, Roy Mette, guitars and vocals, Vic Hobson, bass and Dave McCarthy, drums.

The Launch

The bands debut album We Can Move Mountains contains 12 original tracks and is available now on Bandcamp and other sites although the official launch is on 24th May 2019 at Touchline Live Music, Hockley.


The Dangerous Daydream style features male/female vocals in both acoustic and electric settings. Maybe it is best described as americana although there are strong blues, singer/songwriter and folk styles melded into the whole. It is original. Songs tend to have meaning and depth and though there are some lovey-dovey songs (my baby left me / my baby's come back / my baby's under the patio) most have some depth and meaning dealing as they do with current issues or subjects that just get the songwriters hackles up.

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